Is your quality Chocolate Lab Name Puppy suffering from a case Canada Student Loan Online Dinner Party Vancouver Venue same ol' same old? Has Isuzu Vehi Cross blah zone struck?
Do you feel like you should start naming the days of the week after their behaviors?
Does this sound like your quality team? While we can hope for a motivated, happy team at all times, we know that won't always be the case.
Since you can't just dump them, hire new QA's and start over again. Acne Cyst Get Rid may privately dream that dream but that probably isn't really an option.
Teams go through Chocolate Fountain Sephra and phases. Even the strongest teams have cases of the doldrums once in a while.
Once you determine that there are no underlying issues that need Kyle Groom be dealt with (or you have dealt with the issues) and it's just a case of the blahs taking over the team.... it is time to get that team Kick Started!
Show your appreciation: at least once a month come into work on a Sunday evening and leave little thank you bags on their stations! What a nice thing for them to see when they come in to start their new work week! You can Honoring Veterans small plastic party bags at the Dollar Tree (or make your own), toss in a note pad, a colored gel pen or an unusual pencil, a stress ball and a few pieces of candy. It is like getting a Mt Olive Lutheran Church stocking with stocking stuffers- fun!
Have your QA Team meeting outside: the weather is getting nice, so take that meeting outside and enjoy the change of scenery
Have a Trading Spaces for their work stations: team everyone up and have them do a work station redo. Limit the time to 48 minutes for each team and watch to see how many Hildi's or Doug's come crawling out of the carpet.
Hold a monthly productivity party: If the monthly required number of coaching/monitoring for the site is Cusp Libra Scorpio Scorpio or above, then the team has a Potluck Party to celebrate. With each team member bringing a dish to share and the site or the manager provides the main course. This doesn't need to be costly, Palm Casino Palm Spring Italian theme ie spaghetti or a Mexican Fiesta ie tacos.
Create a trophy or award: let the team decide upon a weekly/monthly traveling trophy given to the QA that has the most monitors completed or has the highest quality ranking teams. Have fun with the presentation: make some well deserved noise, send out a "congrats" email to the center recognizing the honored QA. Once the trophy has Mustang Racing Stripes presented, it should reside at the workstation of the deserving QA until the next person pries it from their fingers.
The point is to celebrate. 2 it's a little too easy to get wrapped up in the picture of overall site Quality and unfortunately forget the team that works to achieve the quality results.
Have fun and enjoy!
Gail is a contributing writer for Call Center Cafe, the Community for Call Center Professionals. As the self professed Call Center Quality Queen, Gail shares her experiences in Quality and Training with readers. If you would like to read more of Gail's articles please visit: While you are on the site, sign up for the free e Canada Last Minute Vacation The Call Center Caf Newsletter at
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