Ever toyed with the idea of rough sex? Of course, you have! You may even have tried it, or have adopted rough sex into your sexual life. But, did you know rough sex can help you sleep better? It's true. Sex has long been known Rendement Credit Mutuel Assurance Vie be helpful in getting a good night's rest and if you are suffering from sleeplessness, try having a little rough sex right before bed, or a lot depending on your mood. Rough sex can be fun at anytime, but the added benefit of helping to have a great night's sleep makes it even more fun.

Rough sex at bedtime can help keep the dangerous issues that can occur due to lack of sleep at bedtime. Health issues such as dementia and Parkinson's disease have been known causes of sleep deprivation. The idea of rough sex as a prevention has a nice ring to it. It's certainly a good kind of medicine, easy to take! Rough sex can also take away the other negative effects of sleeplessness that can affect your home life and work life. Things like constant irritability, or general malaise and exhaustion. Waking up refreshed and ready to take on the world is a much better way to go. Let's face it, rough sex can put a smile on anyone's face.

The reason rough sex can be beneficial is the release it provides. Sleeplessness is generally caused by the brain's inability to shut down sufficiently enough for sleep to take over. When you have sex there is a sexual, physical release that causes the brain as well as the body to relax and become more receptive to sleep. Other physical activities before bed can stimulate the brain to a point where it can't shut down and sleep becomes elusive and sleeplessness kicks in. These are those dreadful times when you constantly count sheep, or go over your entire filing cabinet in your head, maybe stress out about what you are going to wear tomorrow, those kinds of things. No good.

So, go ahead and have some rough sex before bed. Toss your partner around a bit. Push some boundaries. But, remember go easy. You are not trying to knock each other out, that's the wrong kind of unconsciousness! A little rough sex experimentation might just be what your insomnia needs. Oh yeah, it can certainly help your sex life too! Have fun!

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